Growing up in Punjab, the land of five rivers, we have always been familiar with food that came fresh from the local farms. And being raised in the Punjabi family, we feel very privileged of having authentic wholesome food every day.
Our grandparents grew up when organic farming was essentially the norm and everything was free from pesticides and artificial infusions. But with the passage of time, to meet the excessive demand caused by trade globalization, a lot of agrochemicals and adulterations started happening to survive in the market. Also with globalisation, there was a shift towards consumption of more processed food items. Consequently, we were introduced to a modern term called Lifestyle Diseases, which was generated from an unhealthy lifestyle teamed with adulterated food.
This affected us too when we moved to the city, till the day we went back to our hometown and indulged in heavenly meals of authentic fresh food from the farms. Within a few weeks, we noticed an overall improvement in our general health and energy. It triggered the curiosity in us to figure out why and how the food we all have been eating affecting our health in a good way. That was the time we realized what we have been actually missing in the vast urban jungle of concrete.
It instantly hit us and we took the responsibility to set a healthy lifestyle trend among as many people we can reach nationwide, by encouraging them to eat food that is healthier and untreated with agrochemicals and adulterants. And soon, it became our mission because we realized that people desperately wish to switch to more healthy and pure options in eating but they couldn’t find such food with ease in the Indian market.
That’s when our passion for pure unadulterated food gave birth to a dream. That’s a dream to provide our nation with all-natural, nutritious, pure and wholesome food; a dream that over 500 professionals at Henfruit work towards every day.